- Dog's age
- • Dog's age [years] Нескончаемо долгое время
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
dog's\ age — • dog s age • coon s age noun informal A very long time. Usually used after for or in with a negative. Charlie Brown! I haven t seen you for a coon s age. Father hasn t had a night out with the boys in a dog s age. I waited for him for a dog s… … Словарь американских идиом
dog's age — noun : a long time * * * Northern U.S. quite a long time: I haven t seen you in a dog s age! [1830 40, Amer.] * * * dog s age noun (informal) A long time • • • Main Entry: ↑dog * * * dog s age, U.S. Informal. a long time: »We haven t seen you in… … Useful english dictionary
dog's age — or[coon s age] {n.}, {informal} A very long time. Usually used after for or in with a negative. * /Charlie Brown! I haven t seen you for a coon s age./ * /Father hasn t had a night out with the boys in a dog s age./ * /I waited for him for a dog… … Dictionary of American idioms
dog's age — or[coon s age] {n.}, {informal} A very long time. Usually used after for or in with a negative. * /Charlie Brown! I haven t seen you for a coon s age./ * /Father hasn t had a night out with the boys in a dog s age./ * /I waited for him for a dog… … Dictionary of American idioms
dog's age — Northern U.S. quite a long time: I haven t seen you in a dog s age! [1830 40, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
dog's age — See for a dog s age … English idioms
dog's age — noun A long time; many years. John Higgins, I havent seen you in a dogs age. Syn: coons age … Wiktionary
in a dog's age — I you haven t done something in a dog s age, you haven t done it for a very long time … The small dictionary of idiomes
in a dog's age — see ↑age, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑dog … Useful english dictionary
a dog's age N. Amer. — a dog s age N. Amer. informal a very long time. → dog … English new terms dictionary
a dog's age — a long time, 10 15 years, a coon s age Mel! I haven t seen you for a dog s age at least ten years! … English idioms